Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lusting Flesh . . .

And Stone

As many know me by my Deviant art name of flesh2stone,

It wouldn't be a leap,

To understand my affinity,

For the related phrase of flesh and stone.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lusting Spirals

From our tiny DNA helix,

To the starry heavens above.

From curly, tenacious vine tendrils,

To long extinct molluscs now used as sculpture.

From the twirling artistic focus of a piece,

To a shiny slide on which to pose.

Or merely as an accessory to be held aloft;

The beautiful spiral has an endless array of examples in our lives,

Even if it's only a practical way to move from floor to floor.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lusting Ancient Athletes

Most everyone is familiar with Discobolus,Greek 5th century by Myron.

Below, is a lesser known version known as Standing Discus Thrower,
By Naukydes, circa 420-400 BC.

Its discovery was made by David Hamilton in the
Galliens-Villa on the Appian Way in 1771.

Some beautiful detail shots of a later version are shown below.

Lusting Naps

Each day Kitty and I take a nice nap.

Apparently, as witnessed by the photo below,

I'm not the only guy that naps with his kitty buddy!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lusting Artistic Alias

If you want to change your style, but you don't want to lose your identity on a style you've already had success with, what do you do?

Mark Beard has a possible solution; create different persona for yourself, that paint, or sculpt, in different styles!

  • Mark Beard-the real deal (1956-)

  • Bruce Sargeant, imaginary English artist (1898-1938)

  • Hippolyte-Alexandre Michallon-Sargeant imaginary teacher (1849-1930)

  • Edith Thayer Cromwell, imaginary American avant-gardeist (1893-1962)

  • Brechtolt Steeruwitz, imaginary German impressionist (1890-1973)

  • Peter Colter, imaginary contemporary artist (1948-)

To see the "artists" and examples of "their" art visit John Stevenson Gallery .

Some of Mark Beard's murals
here . (scroll down when you get there)

    Sunday, March 22, 2009

    Lusting People Watching

    At times I find myself being entertained by watching people walking by, or having dinner at the next table, shopping at the mall, just about anywhere. The appearance, posture, who speaks, who doesn't, all provide a bounty of data on which to form opinions and judgements.

    We are fortunate, thanks to the ancient vase painters, to look back at a type of social gathering, the symposium.

    Take a look around at the guests, and see if you recognize any that you might meet at a party thrown today!